NPQ in Leading Behaviour and Culture (NPQLBC)

Developing responsibilities for leading behaviour and wellbeing.

Who is it for?

For teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading behaviour and/or supporting pupil wellbeing in their school.

What will I learn?

Take your career to the next level

Take the next step on your leadership journey and become a behaviour and culture specialist. Learn approaches to help your school keep improving, and implement practical solutions to tackle your school’s existing challenges.

Broaden and deepen expertise in your specialist area

Learn the essential skills that underpin successful leadership of behaviour and culture. Develop expertise in high-quality teaching practices and behaviour management, including dealing with more complex behavioural needs and working with parents, the wider community and other organisations.

Create a culture in which staff and pupils thrive

Learn how to develop the ethos and environment of your school using key policies and steps. Create a culture of high expectations, good behaviour and learning amongst pupils, while supporting professional learning and continuous improvement for colleagues in your school.

Join a passionate network striving for educational equality

Share experiences with other school leaders, learn how they’ve faced similar challenges and build a professional network that will support you throughout your career.

Programme structure

This 15-month programme (12 months’ delivery and three months for assessment) consists of a series of courses based on the DfE’s NPQframeworks. Each course cycle features:

  • Evidence-based online content to refresh and build knowledge, as well as exemplify what this looks like for your role and level of leadership
  • A formative assessment task to support your learning
  • A face-to-face seminar with a group of peers, facilitated by a serving school leader–you’ll analyse and reflect on the task and hear further examples of good practice
  • The opportunity to record reflections and consolidate learning

This cycle repeats throughout the programme, with implementation a consideration in every course. Towards the end of the programme, you’ll also take a course focused specifically on effective implementation. This provides an opportunity to complete a significant but manageable change project as part of your role. There will be ongoing support through a seminar group and discussion forum.

Programme objectives

Informed by the best and most recent evidence and developed with input from school leaders and subject matter experts, this programme will help you to:

  • Develop as a specialist in areas related to your role, including behaviour, school culture and developing others
  • Work with serving school leaders and subject matter experts to turn new learning into changes in your own and others’ practise
  • Access a blended learning programme that is full of practical and tangible examples, flexible and tailored to your needs and areas of development and focus

Modules include:


School culture

Enabling conditions for good behaviour

Complex behavioural needs

Professional development



Benefits for you

    • Develop knowledge and understanding of how to apply the evidence on how to create and support an effective school and classroom culture, underpinned by positive behaviour and wellbeing
    • A blended learning experience which fits around your role where you learn and discuss key content online, delivered in a way that suits the busy working lives of teachers and school leaders
    • Local virtual and face to face sessions that focus on real problem-solving, creating understanding, connecting with your peers and gaining depth of knowledgeOngoing preparation to give you confidence to pass the final assessment
    • Facilitation and support from serving school leaders in outstanding schools and delivery at local venues

Benefits for your school / organisation

    • A skilful and research-informed professional who can lead the improvement of pupil wellbeing, create calm classrooms, great pupil behaviour and a warm whole-school culture
    • Practical capability to get on with the job of developing others with the skills to lead with people and teams, creating change and impact
    • The ability to review and evaluate practice in order to bring about change and get the best outcomes for young people and staff within the organisation

How will I be assessed?

At the end of the programme, you will complete a 1500-word case study assessment to demonstrate your understanding of real leadership and change.


Our programmes are led by a team of expert facilitators from different settings and phases who will support you throughout the programme.

What next?

If you would like to complete the NPQLBC, please contact London South TSH directly: