This is a new programme designed for SENCOs, it replaces the NASENCO qualification.

Who is it for?

This programme is designed for a current or aspiring SENCO, or a school leader such as a senior leader or headteacher.

What will I learn?

The new NPQ for SENCOs programme aims to develop participants' professional knowledge and critical understanding of key concepts and debates addressed in the academic and professional literature, in order to lead and co-ordinate special educational needs and disability (SEN and D) provision across an educational setting.

All mainstream schools (including academies and free schools) must have a SENCO. The SENCO must be a qualified teacher, or the headteacher, working at the school.

This NPQ will be the mandatory qualification for SENCOs from September 2024, with teaching beginning in autumn 2024. The 3-year window to complete the mandatory qualification on taking up a SENCO post will remain following the introduction of the NPQ for SENCOs.


Designed in collaboration with leading experts and system leaders and informed by the latest evidence, the NPQ for SENCOs curriculum covers areas including:

  • Establishing an inclusive school culture in which all pupils can flourish.
  • Developing an expert knowledge of the statutory framework and identification of need.
  • The strategic leadership and management of provision.
  • Enhancing curriculum implementation, teaching and inclusive pedagogy.
  • Supporting the professional development of colleagues through clear theories of change.

How will I be assessed?

At the end of the programme, you will complete a 1500-word case study assessment to demonstrate your understanding of real leadership and change.


Our programmes are led by a team of expert facilitators from different settings and phases who will support you throughout the programme.

What next?

The DfE NPQ registration portal will open on Monday 10 February 2025. In partnership with UCL IoE, London South TSH is offering limited funded places for the NPQSENCO.

The cost for a non-funded place is £1,265 (+VAT)

Please complete the form below to register your interest in joining our April 2025 cohort below.

Places will be allocated on a strict ‘first come, first served’ basis, so make sure you complete your application as soon as possible to ensure you don't miss the chance to secure your funded place.

Please see the government website here for more information and guidance on funding for NPQ courses.